
Federal Marketing Order # 905 – Fresh Florida Citrus

Florida’s Fresh Citrus Season – October through May

905 Authority and Regulations – The marketing order authorizes quality regulations, research and promotion programs, as well as markings, pack and container regulations and volume control for citrus grown in Florida. The order became effective in 1939 and was last amended under formal rulemaking on March 2, 2016.

  • Quality Regulations: The marketing order authorizes grade, size, maturity and quality regulations to maintain citrus quality shipped to consumers. Grade and size requirements are in effect for citrus shipped to destinations outside the production area. These requirements established for Florida grapefruit also apply to imported grapefruit year-round due to 8e requirements.
    • 8e Requirements: 8e requirements specify that imported commodities must meet the same or comparable minimum grade, size, quality and maturity requirements, as those specified under this marketing order.
  • Research and Promotion: The marketing order authorizes production research, marketing promotion and development, to include paid advertising. No projects in these areas are currently active.
  • Markings, pack and container regulations: The marketing order authorizes regulations on the markings or labeling, size, capacity and weight of the containers used to ship citrus to the export markets.
  • Volume Control: The marketing order authorizes volume regulations for specific varieties, but is not in effect.
  • Committee Structure: The Citrus Administrative Committee is comprised of 18 members and their alternates. Nine members and alternates are grower members; eight members and alternates are shipper members; and one member and alternate represent the public. All members serve two-year terms of office that run from August 1 through July 31. Members may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. Producer members are nominated at producer nomination meetings. Handler (shipper) members are nominated at handler (shipper) nomination meetings.